Tantra Kaula


The origin of Tantra can be found in Indian philosophy, which is also the home of Yoga. 

My Tantra school is the white Tantra of the Kaula family which focuses on the holistic aspects rather than the sexual.

Tantra is a journey that awakens and utilizes the universal life energy. This energy is also called Prana and means energy in any form.

In practice, in Tantra we use the knowledge about the body's own energy centers (the Chakras) and the Nadis (=energy pathways) and stimulate them.

Workshops & 
massage exchanges 

Come with me on a unique, loving journey to let your life-force engery flow in your body. The group will help you to discover and unblock deeper layers of yourself.

The sexual aspect is not suppressed, but is part of the ritualized massage.

Experience a unique, loving exchange with other people during a massage exchange or in a seminar!


What you can expect from an individual treatment:

During the treatment, gentle and firm strokes, slow and fast movements as well as quiet phases alternate.

Imagine how my hands slide all over your body, sometimes tenderly, sometimes firmly, with warm oil. Your whole body is involved...

The purpose is to unblock sexual energies or life-force energy to have more MAN POWER in life.

The guiding principles are: 

  • loving mindfulness 
  • trust 
  • respecting boundaries.

Remember: This is not an erotic massage or an invitation to mutual sex, but a shared journey without intentions! 

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